senior growth expert & community lead marketing
1. Could you please describe your professional career so far? What were the most influential periods in your life? Why?
My professional career started in 2014 at Fortum, one of the biggest power and heat producers globally, with an impressive renewable portfolio. As I studied Renewable Energy Technologies, the job as Market Analyst in such a company was a treat for me, especially since I had an opportunity to participate in an interesting project of first in Poland, CHP plant powered with alternative fuel, called RDF. As exciting as it was, it quickly turned out that working with numbers only, or mostly, was not my kind of thing. Parallel to my job, I became a member of the Energy Society at Warsaw School of Economics (following the good advice of my manager at Fortum), and soon after joining, I became a Project Manager of the “Energy Day” event for students.
That episode in my life helped me to see that marketing, PR, and events are things that get me going. So, I tried my strengths in “serious” marketing, at big, big Corpo, Samsung – and as much fun as it was, after some long time, I realized that something is missing – ENERGY, clearly! Marketing in the power industry – that’s it, I thought! So, I quit my job at Samsung by the end of 2019 and decided to take a gap year for the entire 2020 to explore other countries and see if there is any other place in the world that I wish to live in more than Europe. As you can imagine, Corona changed my plans, and in April, I flew from Laos directly to Austria and started my “dream job” search here.
2. Why have you decided to become a part of enspired?
Following personal findings of my dream job, I started the search in Vienna. Of course, in the middle of a global pandemic, not too many opportunities were waiting behind the corner.
Fortunately for me, I finally came across enspired. Fully by accident*! A person that recruited me for a different position, in a different company, knew enspired very well and saw lots of common ground between us (thanks again, Mona!). And she was right! Once I met Jürgen (CEO), and Conny (CCFO), it clicked right away! Of course, I shortly had my doubts, that it’s a start-up, founded half a year ago, who knows what will happen, right? But the solution that enspired provides, the people behind it, my heart was screaming YES, and fortunately, my brain followed.
I must say that it was the best decision in my “business” life so far. The personal growth that this company gave me in such a short time, the amount of trust that what I’m doing is best what can be done. For me, these things are the best benefits that one can get in any job.
*Here is a small disclaimer, all my previous jobs were found “by accident” so the pattern was checking in. :D
3. What in your opinion is the best marketing strategy?
The best marketing strategy is the tailor-made one! Don’t worry, if you don’t know if your strategy should be more inbound marketing, or maybe referral programs. Just try it out, mix all strategies and see what works best for you, in what split, etc. Experiment, set measurable goals, monitor them, and adjust changes frequently. You achieved your goals - perfect! You are struggling with getting results – look for a weak spot and change the strategy! Because that’s one thing I know for sure - no marketing strategy is a great solution forever and for everything! It might be good for this market, that product, this moment in time. Same way as the power market is affected by multiple factors like weather, or even the day of the month, marketing strategy is affected too.
Just keep it flexible, as your assets! 😉
4. Where you search for work inspiration? / newest information regarding your field of work?
Talking to people you work with is the most important, their heads are always full of great ideas! I also like to follow interesting people from the marketing scene and power industry on my LinkedIn and read the things that they share. It keeps me up to date in both areas. I need to keep my feed inspiring. I check various newsletters that I signed in for and participate in webinars of my interest. Except that I like podcasts from service providers like HubSpot, and I still am a fan of a good book from time to time.