
insights into the energy market, power trading, battery storage and energy tech

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enspired moments 2022

2022 was a big one for enspired - it was a very challenging but at the same time incredibly rewarding year. Let's take a look back and ahead.

trending topics

Uniform pricing, part 2

Why do we price each MWh as if it was produced using gas even though most of the generation comes from other energy sources which are currently much...

battery storage

Constantly powered

Batteries are not only vital but also very complex, both technically and economically. If you want to make the most of them, you need to know how...

trending topics

Uniform pricing, part 1

Would other market designs have smoothened the increase in prices seen in the last months? Gain a deeper understanding of how prices are formed and...

trending topics

Making your business future-proof

Given the current instability and the complexity of the energy market, it is hard to make even medium-term predictions, much less long-term ones....

more resources

case studies

the success stories we write for and with our customers, use case by use case.


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white papers

free in-depth guides to the energy market, trading, assets and flexibility.


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educational energy lessons from knowledgeable industry speakers.


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dialogues about practical insights and guidance across the energy spectrum.


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event content

exclusive material from our annual energy meetup involving industry thought leaders. 


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